Best wishes for the year to come
Best wishes for the year to come!
May you come into a good fortune!
I want to wish you longevity and health!
May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!
Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.
Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.
I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.
May the season's joy fill you all the year round.
May you come into a good fortune!
Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.
Chinese New Year Greetings
Chinese New Year Colors
You probably have guessed correctly by now : the favorite colors during Chinese New Year are RED and GOLD. Red symbolizes happiness while Gold symbolizes wealth. As such, these two colors are predominant in most Chinese New Year decorations and greeting cards.
Tips : Black and white, on the other hand, are the "unlucky" colors avoided by most Chinese during the New Year.
Fire Crackers and Lion Dance
烟花 舞狮
Fire crackers and lion dance are almost synonymous with Chinese New Year. Fire crackers were used to chase away the mythical monster, Nian, which once terrorized the people. But over time, their loud noises have been used to create the jovial, holiday mood. If you hear this, you'll know that Chinese New Year is just around the corner.
Lion dance is a remarkable piece of performance art and sports. Normally performed by 2 people, it takes years of training and practice before one can be good enough to give a public performance. It's no surprise that many lion dancers are also practitioners of Chinese martial arts, or Kung Fu.Today, fire crackers and lion dance can also be found during auspicious events such as grand opening day of a new business.
Chinese Rice Cake
Most Chinese New Year dishes have names that sound like good or fortunate things, e.g. fish (Yu) for abundance and New Year rice cake (Nian Gao) for advancement.
The rising effect of the cake during baking symbolizes advancement (Gao Sheng) so it is no surprise that parents will urge their children to have Nian Gao during the Chinese New Year. Below is the recipe for the Chinese Rice Cake or Nian Gao. Try it and may you have advancement year after year (Nian Nian Gao Sheng)!
I am pleased to talk with you about some of our Christmas traditions in the United States.
Of course, everyone has to have a Christmas tree. We can buy one or go out to a farm in the country to chop one down. We bring it home and set it up in the corner of our living room, where my family help decorate it. We put a Christmas clothe at the bottom of the Christmas tree. Then we take out all the ornaments like bows and plenty of lights of all shapes and colors to decorate it. Since our Christmas tree is green we buy fake snow and spray it all over the tree. After that, we go toy and clothing shopping for presents and put all the presents under the tree.
On Christmas Eve we always go to church to sing Christmas carols like "Silent Night" and "These Three Kings". But some families have parties, have a big dinner and wait till midnight for our gift-giver , Santa Claus.
Our Santa Claus is supposed to be wearing a red suit . He travels from his home at the North Pole in a flying sleigh with eight reindeer by himself. At midnight, he lands on the roof and comes down the chimney. He leaves the gifts under our trees and puts some toys or candy in our stockings. We all leave him a plate of cookies, something to drink and a carrot for the reindeer. We think that is why he is so chubby.
On Christmas morning, we hurry to the living room to open our stockings. There are brightly wrapped packages piled under our tree, and even some nestled among the Christmas tree branches. They are all for us.
After we finish opening the gifts, we go to visit our relatives and friends. We exchange greetings and gifts. At the end of the day, we sit down to a celebration dinner of turkey or ham to talk about the wonderful day we had.
柬埔寨 韩国老式的迎新春,即“宋干节”(“宋干”是梵语的译音),也叫“泼水节”,是公历的第二年4月13日到16日。纪念日里,用户抬着或租车载着庞大的佛象出游,佛象里边跟随一艘辆鲜花拱门,车子上站着化了妆的“宋干小姐姐”,一大群结队的人性青年党员团,遮体色调花哨的中华民族儿童服装,敲着长鼓,载歌载舞。在游行队员由的通道四周围,善男信女夹道而行,用银钵里盛着用贝叶浸湿过的,渗有香精的水,泼洒到佛象和“宋干小姐姐”上,祈愿迎新春顺利,国泰民安,接着用户能够 洒水范围,喜笑颜开的祝父母身体长命,祝亲朋好友迎新春极其幸运、未婚先孕的青年党员团人性,则用泼水来带表双方互相的仰慕之情。韩国群体迎新春第二天都必须窗台、边上端放一盘用水,千家万户户户都必须到效外河水中去实行迎新春沭浴。为庆贺迎新春,韩国人成功举办在投资额的“赛象博览会”,内部有:人象拔河、跳象拾物、象跨人体、大象篮球赛、中国古代象阵舞台表演等。很是非常精彩迷人。 英国 每三年的的110月29日-年初3日为全省休节假日。泰国人把110月31日称作“大晦日”,也就算春节日。春节是夜晚,泰国尊称作“除夜”,除夜时这些 保佑神灵托福,送旧迎新,称作“初诣”。春节子夜,四处城乡经济庙宇分別敲钟108下,借此清除邪恶漫画,泰国仁的意思禅坐倾听“除夜之钟”,钟声停下来就代表新春的去。人民便离座滚床单睡觉了,机会得一好梦。泰国尊称国庆初二为“正日”。1-3日为“三贺日”。在正日,小辈须先去家属那处团拜,向家属问安,第二步到友人家团拜。泰国人困“正日”这些天,早饭是很丰盈的,吃砂糖竽艿、芥麦面等,喝屠苏酒。以至一接七天,则吃斋的,以示虔敬,保佑新的三年大吉大利。现泰国很多镇里人已认输新春吃斋良好习惯,改在“除夜”吃一顿中空鲜面,以祝在新的三年里,安全健康长期。 土耳其 沙特阿拉伯把尼罗河涨水的这一项天作为一个新春佳节的就着手,称是“涨水新春佳节”。沙特阿拉伯的克鲁特人动员新春佳节,在楼道口放一整张桌上,78只碟子供着豆子、扁豆、紫苜蓿和玉米的粒子,和许多健康值物的小芽,这表现丰裕。谢给神的商品就更多,新春佳节的收功绩就更多。沙特阿拉伯的新春佳节在深秋,因沙特阿拉伯的农耕出产就是从秋天模式就着手的。 非州